Mint Chocolate Chip Matcha Smoothie

August 23, 2024

Still on my green smoothie kick this summer, I was inspired to try making one of my friend Katie’s favorite smoothies from a place in Philadelphia called Reap. 

After countless tests over the course of two weeks, I think I’ve finally found the perfect combination of ingredients for a matcha chocolate chip smoothie. Based on a rough idea of the amounts of ingredients from Katie and Reap’s instagram page, I went into this blindly yet excited to try a smoothie with matcha. 
To be honest, my first creation was deliciously amazing. I couldn’t wait to make it again for a second time. But then the next several tests of this smoothie could never match the first time I made it, which I found odd since I basically followed the same recipe. 

To protein powder or not? Which seeds were the best? What gave me an earthy flavor test after test? 
So after thoroughly testing this smoothie, day after day, I think I’ve come up with the correct amount of ingredients for this refreshing, tasty smoothie. 

Mint Chocolate Chip Matcha Smoothie for one inspired by Reap
A Handful Spinach 
A small bunch of Mint (about 10 leaves)
1 pitted date (soaked in hot water for 5 mins) 
1/2 frozen Banana 
Splash Vanilla 
1/2 tsp Matcha powder 
1 tbs chia seeds
1 tsp Cacao nibs (I used unsweetened) 
1 tsp tahini
3/4 cup water
1. Place all ingredients into a blender.
2. Blend until smooth. 
3. Top with extra cacao nibs for a little crunch!
4. Enjoy! 

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